Most steelhead will live in the lake for approximately three years before returning to the streams. When they do return they are bright sliver in color. Then after being in the streams a few days they start to take on the colors of the lake run rainbow trout.
The fish that return to the streams after three years are appoximately 22 to 28 inches in length and weigh 6 to 8 pounds but some fish can mesure 30 inches and weigh 10 pounds or more. Now some of the fish will return the first fall after there release as fingerlings and these generally meseure 17 to 20 inches and weigh about 3 to 4 pounds.
This year the NEW state record steelhead was caught right here in Erie county, and weighted 20 pounds 3 ounces and measured just over 36 inches long. I have seen several fish taken on the streams that I guide on that were over 10 pounds. Two that I would like to mention are a real nice 34 inch male weighing 16 pounds and a nice female that was 33 inches long and weighed just over 12 pounds. I also caught a nice male this year that was 30" long with a weight of 11 pounds 4 oz and a girth of 16 1/2 inches.